Historically associated with nobility and dignitaries, "white-glove service" is about keeping it real in today's local and personalized customer service.

Where does 'the white-glove experience' come from

The phrase “white glove” originates centuries ago when the upper classes symbolizing purity and nobility actually wore white gloves. They made their way into the uniforms of high-status roles such as butlers, imperial guards and even drill sergeants.

A clean pair of white gloves portrays the cleanliness of the wearer / inspector and the institution. They gave rise to the related "white glove test," in which one runs one's finger across a surface without besmirching the perfectly white glove. White-glove service symbolized the special care and attention demanded by esteemed individuals.

Translate that to today

Today, white-glove service is about providing an exceptional and premium experience to customers. The idea of exceeding clients’ expectations and prioritizing attention their needs and the personalization of their experience. They walk away with the impression of the business genuinely caring about the stewardship and satisfaction of their project... resolving problems before they're known.